Episode 4: Michelle Holliday - The Emerging Worldview In Service of Life

Episode 4: Michelle Holliday - The Emerging Worldview In Service of Life
Earthrise, NASA. This iconic 1968 photo taken from the moon, was one of first images offering a view of the whole Earth, and ushered in a new way of seeing the world and ourselves.
"We see the world, not as it is, but as we are" - Steven Covey

Listen here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6m1h60UDZh0W6vbI8mkVAQ?si=6aa52d9e8f6348bd

Quote from Michelle I'm Pondering

The current mechanistic story is that the world operates as a clockwork universe where everything can be predicted and controlled. Where we are separate from each other and nature... The mechanistic story is so all pervasive it's hard recognize. If we can't recognize it then we can't question it or challenge it. It becomes the assumption that this is the way things are, that this is human nature. -- Michelle Holliday

Show Notes

Michelle Holliday is an author, speaker, facilitator, consultant and perhaps most importantly — a steward. While Michelle’s consulting focuses primarily on businesses and organizations, I found her philosophy on worldviews to be particularly helpful for making sense of myself and the world. Michelle’s work over the last 20 years centers around Thrivability, a term she offers to articulate what’s possible if we align ourselves with life.

I found her book The Age of Thrivability: Vital Perspectives and Practices for a Better World fascinating, as most of my life I’ve had a nagging sense the culture I grew up in offered a worldview that was limiting and at times dangerous. Her poetic & persuasive book argues there's a new worldview emerging - one that integrates previous worldviews of the past.

Michelle approaches this worldview model as a living system, which states there are four basic aspects for life: 1) parts 2) relationships 3) whole 4) integration of 1, 2 & 3. Each of these four aspects has its own worldview, complete with the overarching story of the life which influences the role we see for ourselves. She makes the argument that all four of these aspects are needed for life to thrive and now is the time for a worldview that recognizes and integrates the story of parts, relationships and wholes.

Quick overview on the living system worldview model, from Michelle's Slides