New Podcast with Eldra Jackson III - A Journey of Trauma, Truth & Transformation in Prison

Hi humans,
The newest Museum of Self podcast is out!
Inside Circle Executive Director Eldra Jackson III opens up about the wounds from childhood that contributed to him earning a life sentence, his riveting story of transformation in prison, and the work ahead to foster a culture of healing for people impacted by the criminal justice system and beyond.
Click here to listen
Quote from Eldra I'm pondering:
"When people in power.. can recognize their own humanity.. when they can recognize they are imprisoned as well.. when they can look at their unconscious ways of showing up, that changes the game for everyone else. Then collectively we can look at folks we label as at-risk youth, justice system impacted, criminals, convicts — and we can begin to see them as human beings, not as those titles or labels." - Eldra Jackson III
I hope you enjoy! Feel free to reply to this email with any thoughts/feedback.
David, human at Museum of Self